We will be adding some tips for you to help you get ready for the treat in the weeks leading up to it…..
Our retreat is packed with good stuff so watch out for an attack of FOMO – fear of missing out.
Aim for making progress on a few priority areas, making time to get stuff done and making time for you to breath.
Try to avoid going to absolutely everything, getting overwhelmed and ending up with an even longer to do list.
So take a look at the schedule and identify 3 areas that are a priority for you right now.
Make a list of the key questions you’d like to have answered for these areas so you don’t miss out on the important stuff.
Don’t fly all the way to Brisbane, only to find you don’t have the information you need to get stuff done. Make sure you have access to key documents that will help you get stuff done – eg NDIS plan, goals, training articles for support teams, copies of support worker contracts and so on – keeping them on Podio, onedrive, drop box, google drive.
Remember your passwords! Write them down somewhere or use a system like LastPass