Our Policy Pack has been developed by our partners Effective HR who are degree qualified Human Resources experts who specialise in helping people with disability and their families directly employ their supports.
The pack has been specifically written for families directly employing disability supports under the SCHADS Award. Careful attention has been paid to writing the policies in plain English so that they are concise and easy to read.
It is also provided in MS Word format so it is customisable.
It is NOT designed for service providers for NDIS Registration and Auditing purposes.
Effective HR also offer a service to update your pack if you have specific requirements or if legislation changes and a policy needs updating.
The pack will save you time and energy from having to write them yourself and you can be more certain you are complying with Fair Work.
See the table of contents and sample policy
Price : $697
If you find the policies not suitable we are happy to offer a full refund.
Justification for Using NDIS funding to purchase the Policy Pack
Will the support help you to reach the goals in your NDIS plan
To achieve the goals in my son/daughter’s plan we need to build a team of well trained, reliable and well matched supports. A set of well written policies will guide the actions of the team in what good support looks like.
Is the support reasonably priced and good value?
Professionally written policy manuals can cost several thousand dollars and are usually written for large service provider organisations. This manual has been affordably priced and targeted for families employing staff, so there are no irrelevant policies.
Can you afford the support within your support budget?
Only you can answer this question. However perhaps this question should be can I afford not to? Having no policies and procedures is very risky. It can lead to having lots of workplace issues like poor work health and safety, harassment and misconduct. All of those things impact the person being supported as well as parents employing staff.
Is the support something that should be funded by the NDIS and not other government services?
The NDIS is the most appropriate funding body.
Is the support safe?
This Policy Pack has been designed by degree qualified Human Resources specialists. This reduces the risk to participants of taking actions that might lead them to being prosecuted for not complying with workplace laws.